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a group of smiling people holds a giant cardboard key in a green painted classroom

Congratulations are in order for Mr. Kevin Hogan! Last week, Mr. Hogan was randomly chosen to win a free two-year lease at Two Light Luxury Apartments as a part of the Kansas City Power & Light District partnership with KCPSEF.

a graphic design of a school hallway. people are getting healthcare.

With cold and flu season upon us, KCPS has many resources for keeping your family healthy this fall. Remember, if your child is ill, please do not send them to school.

Equity, Innovation & Inclusion

Equity is at the core of everything we do.  By equity, we mean “educational policies, practices, interactions, and resources that are representative of, constructed by, and responsive to all students such that each individual has access to, can meaningfully participate, and make progress in high-quality learning experiences that empowers them towards self-determination and reduces disparities in outcomes regardless of individual characteristics and cultural identities.” -- (Great Lakes Equity Center)

At Kansas City Public Schools, we are preparing our students for success in college, careers, and life. Success for all is our motto! The Equity, Inclusion and Innovation Department is dedicated to increasing college credit awareness, exposure, equity and access for all students. We are doing our part to identify and address any systemic inequities that may perpetuate disparities in educational outcomes and student success.

The most important part of this work is to ensure that each student in our district receives the academic and social support to access and success in postsecondary opportunities. Below are some specific strategies we are implementing to achieve this goal:

  • Identifying inherent biases in our employment and promotion processes and protocols
  • Measuring constantly to ensure we are achieving desired outcomes
  • Providing implicit bias and other equity-focused trainings for staff
  • Partnering with higher education and vocational pipelines to increase college and career pathways
  • Engaging families and community organizations
  • Hosting events that celebrate the unique contributions of diverse cultures
  • Asking ourselves the hard questions, continuously measuring our progress
  • Surveying and listening to input from students, staff, and community perspectives
  • Accelerating efforts to connect each student with mentors, resources, and opportunities
  • Inviting community members like you to join us as we do this work!

While these advancements are promising, they are only a part of the story.  We all have a long way to go. At KCPS we hold ourselves to higher standards, choosing to aim for college access rates beyond national averages. Equity is at the center of our mission and vision of success for all.  We will flourish when all of our students, staff and stakeholders authentically operate with equity at the core of our vision for success for all.


Phone: (816) 418-7676

Programs, Initiatives & Events

Equity Data

Board of Education