Facility Use
KCPS makes its facilities available for public use under guidelines established by Board Policy. If you are interested in using a District facility, please click on the following link to our access our digital form.
Please note the following:
If the requested facility is available and the use thereof does not interfere with the regular conduct of school or schoolwork at the site, the school will approve the request and forward it to the office of the Facility Use Coordinator. The Facility Use Coordinator or designee will determine whether to approve the request and notify the requesting party of the determination. Applications must be received no less than thirty (30) days in advance of the event. Applicants will be notified about the status of their request within seven (7) business days of submitting the application. Use of school facilities will not be granted if it interferes with school-sponsored activities. In the case of an emergency or inclement weather, the Superintendent or Designee reserves the right to cancel any scheduled activity. The District reserves the right to refuse an application for use of a school facility if deemed in the best interest of the District. In order to ensure the availability of facilities to all interested organizations, KCPS reserves the right to restrict the number of dates/times an individual or group may reserve. Applications should be submitted or emailed or sent by US Mail and/or hand carried to 3301 E. 75th Street Kansas City, MO 64132.
Application for Community Use of Facilities
- Complete, sign and submit the facility use application.
- Read, sign and submit the Terms and Regulations form.
- Provide proof of organization’s incorporation
- Applications may be submitted by mail to 3400 Highland Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109 or by email to facilitiesuse@kcpublicschools.org.
- A twenty-five ($25.00) deposit must accompany each application. The deposit will be deducted from the total cost of each application. Deposits are non-refundable.
- Proof of Insurance, “General Liability” is required in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate.
- Kansas City Public Schools must be listed as an additional insured.
- Proof of insurance must be received at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the event, or the event will be cancelled.
- Fees may apply. Please refer to the rate schedule to determine what fees will be applicable.
- Full payment of any applicable fees shall be received by KCPS seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled event.
- Payments should be made or mailed to Attention: Brenda Lawless at the Board of Education Office located at 2901 Troost, KC MO 64109.
- Payments may be made by cashier’s check, certified check or money order, or business check and made payable to Kansas City Public Schools. Cash and personal checks or credit cards will not be accepted.
- After all fees have been collected, the Community Use of Facilities Office will issue facilities use permit. The organization and the Community Use of Facilities Office will retain a copy of the signed permit.
Please note: all applications must include a valid signature, whether submitted via mail or email.
All questions should be directed to the Facility Use Coordinator, (816) 418-8210 during regular business hours or by email at facilitiesuse@kcpublicschools.org
*Must approve acceptance inside School Dude.