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This spring, KCPS students participated in Missouri Grade Level Assessments for Grades 3 – 8 and High School End of Course Exams for Algebra I, English 10, Biology I, and American Government. For each assessment, the Individual Student Report (ISR) provides a scale score and a performance level, including a brief description of the level.

The ISR also includes scale scores for the individual reporting categories of the assessment. Additionally, ISRs for English Language Arts include a Lexile Measure, which estimates the student's reading ability. Mathematics includes a Quantile Measure, which estimates the student's readiness for mathematics instruction.

A hard copy of your student’s ISR will be available during parent/teacher conferences. If you wish to obtain the report before then, please do not hesitate to follow up during your school’s welcome back-to-school event.

If you have any questions about the student report, DESE has a Parent Guide to Interpreting Results and, or you can contact your school’s office.

We greatly appreciate your continued support of KCPS. Your involvement in your child's education is invaluable.

This division encompasses the following departments and offices: 

  • Department of Research, Accountability, and Assessment provides data analyses, evaluations, and other services to facilitate the monitoring of progress towards accomplishing the Strategic Plan vision, purpose, and core values.
    • Office of Research & Accountability
    • Office of Assessment
    • Office of Dropout Prevention & Attendance
  • Department of Planning and Real Estate leads the development, implementation, and monitoring of planning initiatives and oversees the reuse/redevelopment of surplus property. 

Additional information and resources can be found in each section below. 

Departments and Offices

2023 APR

Board of Education

Department Contacts 


Dr. Pamela L. Ford – Executive Director of Research & Accountability

Research, Assessment & Accountability  

  • Aaron Butler – Coordinator of Assessment
  • Thomas Sullivan - Director of Research & Assessment
  • Mandy Slaughter - Lead Data Analyst
  • Izzette Torres - Core Data Analyst
  • Jess McCarthy – P/T Research and Assessment Coordinator
  • Pamela Kimble - P/T Core Data Support

Planning & Real Estate 

  • Jesse Lange – Senior Planner