District Plans & Initiatives
Strategic Plan
Improving is hard work. To improve implies intent, consideration and coordination. Tangible, significant and sustainable progress can only happen with honest assessments, careful planning and faithful execution. That is why KCPS created the 2018-23 Strategic Plan. To download the highlights or full document, click on the link below.
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School Scorecards SY19
Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs
The Strategic Plan begins with our Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs. These crucial elements affirm our hopes and dreams for all students, clarify the fundamental purposes of our school system, and describe the guiding principles that shape our actions and behaviors.
Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs
Goals & Measures of Student Success
The Strategic Plan is truly student-centered. Early on during the planning process, we defined the Goals & Measures of Student Success. The goals are the outcomes we want for our students. The measures are indicators of student progress toward those goals.
Four Pillars
The rest of the Strategic Plan organizes the work of adults into four categories or pillars. The Four Pillars are the building blocks of what adults must do well in order to achieve the desired outcomes for students.
Professional Practices for Instructional Effectiveness
Programs made fade, but practices endure. A common set of proven practices offers a consistency of approach, an economy of effort, and more opportunities for evidence-based collaboration across teams, schools, and the system. The Professional Practices for Instructional Effectiveness focus on defining the teaching, leadership, and organizational practices most essential for responsive instruction across the district. The practices outline the expectations for all KCPS staff and the standards by which we will be held accountable. The practices are organized around the Four Pillars.
A Roadmap for Student Growth and Success
Finally, the Roadmap for Student Learning articulates priorities and actions to be implemented through 2023. The Strategic Priorities are the programs, targeted solutions or continuous improvement initiatives which will facilitate the accomplishment of student goals. Each priority as a corresponding set of Key Actions, or specific strategies and milestones. The Four Pillars provide the framework for the Strategic Priorities and Key Actions.