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Learning at KCPS

For a strategic plan to live up to its promise, it must be based on a coherent design, assembled in the proper sequence. The components of such a plan and the order in which they must be put together are as follows:

  1. Student Learning is the fundamental purpose of a school system. It is the centerpiece of its mission — the “end” from which its strategies, programs, structures and processes derive their meaning and relevance.
  2. Instructional Effectiveness is the strongest predictor of student learning. Learning occurs most powerfully at the intersection of student, teacher and content, supported by effective leadership and organizational practices.
  3. Finally, an Empowering Infrastructure must be created and sustained to support mission-focused decision making, strategy formulation, and focused action at every level of the organization. Providing efficient services and operations to support day-to-day functioning of the schools is a critical part of this infrastructure, particularly in areas such as educational services, human resources and talent development, fiscal and business services, facilities, and technology.

Challenging, Engaging Educational Opportunities

The opportunities available today within KCPS include the following:

Goals and Measures of Student Success

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