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School Site Details

Ladd School

On March 29, 2022, KCPS sold the Ladd School site, 3640 Benton Blvd, to an affiliate of LocalCodeKC for a mixed-use development, with a focus on health, wellness and long-term community ownership of the site. As part of the sale, KCPS, LocalCodeKC and the Oak Park Neighborhood Association entered into a Benefits Agreement to ensure that the redevelopment benefits KCPS stakeholders/local residents. LocalCodeKC anticipates commencing construction in 1Q 2024. For project updates and additional information: Ladd — LocalCode Kansas City

11/30/21 Ladd Slidedeck 11/30/21 Agenda 11/11/21 Agenda 01/06/22 Ladd SlideDeck 01/18/22 Ladd SlideDeck

For more information about LocalCode KC’s proposal, see below:

Ladd Letter to Adjacent Residents

Presentation to Oak Park Neighborhood


KCPS and Oak Park Neighborhood Association hosted three reuse proposal presentations to collect community feedback on LocalCode KC’s proposal: May 13, June 10, and September 16, 2021. On Sep 22, 2021, KCPS entered into a sales contract with LocalCode KC for the historic redevelopment of the Ladd school. After entering into the sales contract, KCPS and LocalCodeKC hosted additional meetings (Nov 11 and Nov 30, 2021 and Jan 6, 2022) to garner community feedback to inform the development of a Benefits Agreement.

Ladd At A Glance

Condition Rating: 3 out of 5
Historic Rating: 4 out of 5
Year Built: 1912/1922/1986
Square Feet: 85, 910
Acreage: 3.6
Zoning: R-2.5
Neighborhood:Oak Park
Year Closed: 2010

Ladd Site Profile
Ladd Floor Plans
Ladd Site Tour Summary
Ladd Phase II Meeting Summary
Ladd Reuse Strategy
Ladd Reuse Assessment
Ladd 2011 Condition Assessment
Ladd 2006 Condition Assessment
Ladd Triennial Report

Askew School