School Site Details
As of September 2023, Kansas City Community Land Trust (KCCLT) – formerly the Marlborough Community Land Trust, is awaiting permits to begin renovation of the school building. KCCLT anticipates that having commercial space available for lease in Spring 2024. For project updates and additional information: KCCLT Website.
On April 28, 2021, KCPS approved the Marlborough Community Coalition’s (MCC) request to change the Use Restriction that was filed with the deed that would allow for a) the redevelopment of affordable and mixed income housing on the site, including the use of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) financing, and b) possible demolition in the event sufficient financing cannot be identified that would allow for the redevelopment of the structure.
On December 8, 2020, KCPS hosted a virtual meeting to learn about new reuse plan concepts for the Marlborough School Site and to collect community feedback on the proposed reuses. Please see below for meeting notes, a copy of the PPT.
December 8, 2020 Meeting Presentation
December 8, 2020 Meeting Notes
In October 2020, Exact Marlborough, LLC entered into a Letter of Intent with the Marlborough Community Coalition (MCC) that would allow for the sale of the property if MCC received an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits by early 2021. If MCC does not receive a LIHTC allocation, Exact Marlborough has developed an alternative reuse proposal for the site. Both MCC’s and Exact Marlborough, LLC’s reuse plans would require KCPS to revise a Use Restriction that was filed with the Deed that requires historic rehabilitation of the property and does not allow for the development of income restricted units (such as LIHTC).
On December 21, 2017, Exact Marlborough, LLC purchased the Marlborough school site for a historic renovation of the building into market rate apartments. The redevelopment proposal was contingent upon the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the National Park Service approving the building for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, which would make the project eligible for historic tax credits. Despite several efforts to secure the necessary approvals, the building was rejected for historic designation.
Marlborough At A Glance
Condition Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Historic Rating: 4 out of 5
Year Built: 1927/1938/1952
Square Feet: 44,400
Acreage: 3.7
Zoning: R-2.5
Neighborhood: Marlborough
Year Closed: 2007
Marlborough Site Profile
Marlborough Floor Plans
Marlborough Site Tour Summary
Marlborough Phase II Meeting Summary
Marlborough Reuse Assessment
Marlborough Reuse Proposal Presentation Q&A 07.28.2015
Marlborough 2011 Condition Assessment
Marlborough 2006 Condition Assessment
Marlborough Triennial Report
Marlborough Phase 1