School Site Details
KCPS sold the Robeson school site to Robeson Holding Co, LLC, a partnership between South Waldo Community Investors (SWCI) and O'Reilly Development Company on March 22, 2018. The development team will be converting the site into a recreation center as well as senior multi-family residential. The development team, KCPS and the local neighborhood associations (Marlborough Community Coalition and Waldo Tower Neighborhood Association) have entered into a Community Benefits Agreement to ensure that low income local youth and families will have access to the recreation center and its programs. The development team is currently conducting additional due diligence and planning for the project. Additional meetings will be held with the community as the project planning progresses.
SWCI's original proposal was presented to the community at a public meeting on March 6, 2017. A proposal summary and renderings can be found here. A summary of the meeting Q&A can be found here.
Robeson At A Glance
Condition Rating: 2 out of 5
Historic Rating: 3 out of 5
Year Built: 1957/1993
Square Feet: 151,880
Acreage: 20.1
Zoning: R-6 & R-1.5
Neighborhood: Rockhill Manor
Year Closed: 2006
Robeson Site Profile
Robeson Reuse Assessment
Robeson Condition Assessment