School Site Details
Southwest High School was closed in Spring 2016 and identified as the preferred location for a third neighborhood middle school as part of the Master Plan. During Blueprint 2030, the district’s update to the strategic plan, KCPS staff have identified that a 3rd neighborhood middle school site would be necessary if the district moves to a 6-8th grade configuration for middle schools and that the Southwest High School has been confirmed as the preferred location for a southern middle school site. The site remains on the mothballed list as the KCPS team pursues capital funding for the renovation of the building into a middle school.
Southwest High At A Glance
Year Built: 1925
Square Feet: 275,979
Acreage: 12.5
Zoning: R-6
Neighborhood: Armour Fields
Year Closed: 2016
Historic Designation: Eligible