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a group of smiling people holds a giant cardboard key in a green painted classroom

Congratulations are in order for Mr. Kevin Hogan! Last week, Mr. Hogan was randomly chosen to win a free two-year lease at Two Light Luxury Apartments as a part of the Kansas City Power & Light District partnership with KCPSEF.

a graphic design of a school hallway. people are getting healthcare.

With cold and flu season upon us, KCPS has many resources for keeping your family healthy this fall. Remember, if your child is ill, please do not send them to school.

Cultural Equity

The Department of Language Services and Cultural Equity provides instructional leadership and resources to support linguistically and culturally diverse English Learners (ELs). English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) instruction is provided to identified students who speak a first language other than English. The method of instruction depends on the students’ English proficiency and grade level. In five of our schools, we operate classrooms for EL Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE).

Our vision for student success goes beyond reclassification of ELs as proficient in English. We aim to prepare global citizens and expand opportunities for all KCPS students to become bilingual and biliterate.

KCPS is committed to providing all English Learners with a high quality, academic education that will prepare them to be lifelong learners. We develop student leaders through culturally and linguistically responsive instruction paired with culturally relevant family and community engagement.

Instructional programs and services:

  1. Co-Teaching
  2. Sheltered Instruction
  3. Newcomer Bridge Program
  4. English Learner Identification and Placement
  5. English Learner Assessment and Evaluation
  6. KCPS Seal of Biliteracy
  7. Instructional Coaching
  8. Professional Development

Newcomer Engagement and Support services:

  1. Refugee and Immigrant Cultural Brokerage
  2. Newcomer Social Work Support
  3. Newcomer Parent Engagement
  4. EL Enrollment Support
  5. Interpretation and Translation
  6. Migrant Education Program
  7. Professional Development
KCPS Family

4904 Independence Ave.
Kansas City, Missouri 64124
Phone: 816-418-5288