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Graduation Requirements

The minimum graduation requirements for 2019-2020 includes 4 credits of English, 3 credits of Mathematics, 3 credits of Science, 3.5 credits of Social Studies, 1 credit of PE, .5 credit of Health, 1 credit of Practical Arts, 1 credit of Fine Arts and 7.0 credits of Electives. In addition to the program of study for graduation, a student shall pass proficiency exams, complete forty (40) hours of approved community service, take the ACT, SAT, ASVAB or ACT WorkKeys Test and meet all district disciplinary and financial obligations to qualify for graduation from KCPS. Additional graduation requirements are established to meet specific programs of study as outlined in the chart below. Graduation requirements for a student with a disability receiving special education services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may be determined according to the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

24 Credits

Communication Arts 4.0 English 9, 10, 11, 12, or ESL English I-IV, AP, IB, DC, or College English
Mathematics 3.0 Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry
Science 3.0 Physics First, Chemistry, and Biology
Social Studies 3.5 World History, American History, American Government, and Economics/Personal Finance
Fine Arts 1.0  
Practical Arts 1.0  
Physical Education 1.0 Physical Education PE09113
Health .50  
Electives 7.0  
End-of-Course Exams   Algebra 1, English 10, Biology, Government, Algebra 2 (If Algebra 1 was passed in middle school)
Community Service   Total of 40 Hours
ACT, SAT, ASVAB, Accuplacer   Must take the ACT, SAT, ASVAB or ACT WorkKeys Test according to their post-high school plans

Students must pass the U.S. Constitution test and the Missouri Constitution test in order to graduate.

End-of-Course Exams

The Missouri Assessment Program assesses students’ progress toward mastery of the Missouri Learning Standards which are the educational standards in Missouri. The Missouri Assessment Program includes required End-Of-Course assessments in the subject areas of:

–Algebra 1


–Algebra 2 (for students who pass Algebra 1 in middle school)

–English 10

–American Government

Picture of a graduate with a decorated mortarboard saying On to the next chapter