At KCPS, we understand the vital importance of engaging with our families and community stakeholders. Through active involvement in advisory committees, volunteering, investing, and providing direct feedback, we foster collaboration and strengthen relationships. Every voice matters, and by working together, we ensure the success of our students and the advancement of our community. Join us in shaping the future of education in Kansas City!
Advisory Committees
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Hispanic Advisory Committee (HAC)
The Kansas City Public Schools Hispanic Advisory Committee (HAC) is comprised of students, parents, KCPS staff and Kansas City community members, who are committed to making KCPS a more welcoming and equitable school district. Members meet with the Superintendent quarterly to provide ground-level perspectives and guidance as KCPS develops solutions, programs and services for it's students.
Minutes and agendas for HAC can be found on the HAC webpage.
District Advisory Committee (DAC)
Kansas City Public Schools has a District Advisory Committee (DAC) that meets regularly. Meetings prior to the 2020-2021 school year were held in the KCPS District School Board Room at the Board of Education Building (2901 Troost Ave.)
Every school is asked to send a representative, and parents and community members are also welcome to attend. The DAC addresses school issues and concerns and allows parents to network, share ideas and solve problems cooperatively. In addition, the DAC serves in an advisory role to the District’s Board of Education.
Interested in serving as a DAC delegate for your school or joining the DAC executive board? Click here to submit your interest form.
Parent Leadership Organizations
Participating in parent leadership organizations is a great way to get involved in the education of children. Adults who take an active role in education positively impact future generations of leaders, workers and parents. These adults also get a chance to see firsthand what goes on inside schools within the Kansas City, Missouri School District.
These leadership organizations are a school-based volunteer group made up of parents and families of students, community members and school staff. Among the functions of a parent leadership organization are:
The following schools in the Kansas City Public Schools have parent leadership organizations. Please contact each school for more information.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) / Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) / Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
The mission of the PTA/PTO/PTSA is threefold:
- Participation in the development of the school budget
- Working with the administration on personnel issues
- Providing input into curriculum selections and development
The objectives of the PTA:
- To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children
- To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children
- To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of the nation
- To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship
- To raise the standards of home life
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth
- To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth
- To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education
The following Kansas City Public Schools have an active PTA/PTO/PTSA or similar parent leadership organization:
- AC Prep Elementary - (816) 418-1231
- Benjamin Banneker Elementary - (816) 418-1850
- Central High School - (816) 418-2000
- Garfield Elementary - (816) 418-3600
- Hartman Elementary - (816) 418-1750
- J.A. Rogers Elementary - (816) 418-4770
- James Elementary - (816) 418-3700
- Lincoln Middle School - (816) 418-3000
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary - (816) 418-2475
- Lincoln College Preparatory Academy - (816) 418-3000
- Longfellow Elementary - (816) 418-5325
- George Melcher Elementary - (816) 418-6725
- Northeast High School - (816) 418-3300
- Northeast Middle School - (816) 418-3400
- Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts - (816) 418-2275
- Southeast High School - (816) 418-1078
- Wendell Phillips Elementary - (816) 418-3750
- Whittier Elementary - (816) 418-3850
- Border Star Montessori - (816) 418-5150
- Carver Dual Language - (816) 418-4925
- Faxon Elementary - (816) 418-6525
- Hale Cook Elementary - (816) 418-1600
- Harold Holliday Montessori - (816) 418-1950
- Foreign Language Academy - (816) 418-6000
- Richardson Early Learning Community School - (816) 418-5900
- Woodland Early Learning Community School - (816) 418-2650
If your school does not have a parent leadership organization and you are interested in helping to establish one, contact your principal or the Office of Family and Community Engagement at (816) 418-7455 or face@kcpublicschools.org.
Special Education Advisory Council
More information coming soon.
Student District Advisory Council (SDAC)
The Kansas City Public Schools Student District Advisory Council (SDAC) is comprised of student ambassadors, in grades 9 – 12, from across the district. These students serve as the student voice of KCPS. The council is lead in a manner that encourages student voice to influence local education with the goal of developing young leaders as educational advocates.
SDAC members engage regularly with the superintendent in conversations related to academic experiences, extracurricular programs, student support services, school culture and discipline, student voice representation, technology, college and career readiness and many other topics. In addition, the council develops and executes projects that address school or community needs.
Students are selected by an application process. Students who aspire to participate will be:
- Selected via an open application process based on character, academics, community involvement, rationale for joining SDAC, commitment to serve and the unique perspective he/she brings to the organization
- Expected to serve an eight-month term, beginning in September and concluding in May
- Expected to participate in monthly meetings
- Expected to actively contribute and provide input on topics of discussion
SDAC students:
- Have a direct impact on improving KCPS for all students
- Gain leadership, public speaking, student advocacy and team-building experience
- Build a network of supporters and mentors within KCPS and partner civic organizations
- Earn community service hours
Eligibility Criteria:
- Enrolled in one of the six KCPS high schools
- Complete the SDAC application
- Able to join monthly virtual meetings
Interested in serving on SDAC for your school? Click here to submit your application.
Equity Steering Committee
More information coming soon