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Adult Education

Kansas City Adult Education

Our program offers instruction for FREE in the following areas:

  • Preparation for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
  • College entrance prep
  • Basic Skills Remediation
  • English Language Proficiency and Acquisition (ESL)
  • Workforce Readiness and Soft Skills Training
  • Digital Literacy/Computer use
  • Career Exploration
  • Civics instruction to assist in acquisition of citizenship/naturalization

Students have the option to attend classes in the morning or evenings two days a week for three hours each day.

  • 9 am - 12 pm OR 6 pm - 9 pm
  • Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays

Enrollment in the program requires attendance at an orientation and assessment session before the student may begin classes. 

Students will be pre-assessed on a DESE approved instrument that identifies entry levels in each subject area. Subjects include; reading, writing, listening, speaking, math, and language arts. Individual student plans are written based on the results of these pre-test diagnostics. 

Attendance is crucial to student success and achievement of goals. We ask that students commit to attending for no less than three months.  

All instructors are DESE certified and maintain certification in Adult Education.


Troost Learning Center
1215 E 59th St, Kansas City, MO 64110

MCC: Penn Valley Community College
3200 Broadway Blvd.
Humanities Building (HU)
Room #HU002 - 007

(816) 418-7799

HiSet Flyer