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School Supply List

Change of clothing
Blanket for rest time

Kindergarten – first grade
1 book bag
1 supply box
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of blunt-tipped scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 pocket folder
2 boxes of tissue

Second – fourth grade
1 book bag
1 supply box
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 highlighter
1 ruler with inches and metrics
3 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf wide ruled paper
3 wide rule spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook (journal)
2 boxes of tissue

Fifth & sixth grade
1 book bag
1 supply box or pencil pouch
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box colored pencils
1 box of 24 count crayons
1 red checking pen
1 highlighter
2 blue or black ballpoint pens
1 ruler with inches and metrics
3 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf wide ruled paper
3 wide rule spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook (journal)
1 3 ring binder
2 boxes of tissue

Seventh & eighth grade
1 book bag
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 box colored pencils
1 red checking pen
1 highlighter
2 blue or black ballpoint pens
1 ruler with inches and metrics
3 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf wide ruled paper
1 composition notebook (journal)

Ninth – twelfth grade
1 book bag
1 glue stick or 8 oz. bottle washable glue
1 pair of scissors
1 large pink eraser
12 No. 2 pencils, sharpened
1 highlighter
2 blue or black ballpoint pens
1 ruler with inches and metrics
1 protractor
4 pocket folders
1 package of loose leaf college ruled paper
4 college rule spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook (journal)
1 pack of index cards
1 package or perforated notebook of graphing paper
1 scientific calculator
1 master combination lock
1 flash drive (optional)

- Supplies should be clearly marked with the student’s name
- Use supplies from previous years before purchasing new
- This is a basic district-wide supply list. Additional items may
be requested by the individual school or teacher.